The Pharmaceutical R & D Laboratory at the University of Salamanca was created in 2004 and it is a model of university-pharmaceutical industry relationships from the perspective of open innovation. It develops pharmaceutical research and development focused on the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and veterinary industry. The laboratory is accredited in Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) for pharmaceutical development, stability studies and physico-chemical analysis. The pharmaceutical R & D laboratory addresses the pharmaceutical development of solid, liquid and semi-solid dosage forms from the initial stages (API characterization, preformulation, etc.) to the industrialization, stability and registration stages. In parallel, it could be performed the tuning and validation of analytical methods. We have extensive experience in the development of different pharmaceutical products, generics and OTC products addressing entire projects or specific stages of development.
Head: José Martínez Lanao (
Facultad de Farmacia
Dpto. Ciencias Farmacéuticas. Área Farmacia y Tecnología Farmacéutica
C/ Licenciado Méndez Nieto s/n
37007 Salamanca