Nuclear Magnetic Resonance


The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Laboratory of Nucleus Platform of the University of Salamanca offer two spectrometers with several capabilities (multi dimensional, multinuclear experiments for liquid-state HR NMR). 

The Bruker Avance 400 MHz spectrometer is used only by the staff and experiments are available upon request by filling the appropriate form. The Bruker Avance 400 is recommended for 2D heteronuclear experiments because it is equipped with a reverse and gradient probe, which allows the reduction of acquisition time.

The available experiments with the appropriate parameters are for the 1H-1H homonuclear correlation: COSY (scalar correlation), TOCSY (ROESY and NOESY (Nuclear Overhauser effect in two dimensions, the first sequence is very useful for Small and medium molecules, the second for macromolecules, peptides, proteins, etc.). The available 1H-13C heteronuclear correlations are: HMQC and HSQC for one-bond correlations and HMBC and HMBC-CIGAR for the multiple bondscorrelations.

Since NMR is a non-specific, high-throughput analysis method, NMR data can be considered as fingerprints that can be used to compare, discriminate or classify samples. Its application in the agro-food industry has been growing over the last years.

In addition to its use as a tool in the structural determination of organic compounds, its use has been extended to identify patterns that determine the geographical origin of olive oils, honey, fruit juices, oils of marine origin, fats, etc .; Providing a non-invasive or destructive method that can be used as an important data for the Denomination of Protected Origin or for the Protected Geographical Indication.

In these cases we would have to develop specific experiments for each type of sample and need.